About Growing Patriots

Growing Patriots started as a birthday present for one little boy. When looking for a book for him, Amelia had trouble finding just the right one! She wanted a book that was purely patriotic, one that would teach kids about America and American history, a book that would spark his interest in his country and inspire him to ask questions. So, Amelia decided to write him a book which did just that. That’s how the first Growing Patriots book, One Nation Under God: A Book for Little Patriots came to be written.

Once the book was done, word spread and Amelia wrote her second Growing Patriots book (after all, the little boy has a little sister, and she needed a book, too)10 Steps to Freedom: A Growing Patriot’s Guide to the American Revolution. After hearing many times that there are not enough resources to teach kids about America, Amelia decided to publish to make the books available to parents and kids everywhere. As we continue to grow, we look forward to teaching children all about this great country of ours!

Every patriot needs a place to start, and that’s why Growing Patriots is here.


About the Author

Originally from Michigan, Amelia now travels the United States writing and blogging. A lifelong writer and patriot, she also loves dogs, hockey, old cars, old books, and old movies. 

Amelia has a master’s degree in both English and 18th century history from University of St Andrews in Scotland and a postgraduate diploma in fine and decorative arts from Christie's London.

For 10 Steps to Freedom: A Growing Patriot’s Guide to the American Revolution, Amelia was fortunate to have a great team on board, including illustrator Anthony Resto and designer Jennifer Lake. This is Amelia’s second book.